Wednesday, November 27, 2019

261 Huck Finn Characters and Heros Journey Professor Ramos Blog

261 Huck Finn Characters and Heros Journey Quick Write Quick Write We talked last time about Twain and how he was critical of society. What are some topics that he is criticizing in the novel so far? Huck Finn Continued We read Mark Twains  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  Chapters 20-31 for today. Continuing with our analysis, I want to focus on the character of the characters for today. Lets come up with a big list of characters from the novel. Huck Finn Heros Journey Hucks development follows the stages of the Heros Journey described my Joseph Campbell. Hucks journey is one of internal growth and discovery. He goes from the view that slavery was ordained by God to a realization that slavery is wrong and unjust. Joseph Campbells Heros Journey SECTION ONE - Introduction to Setting, Characters Conflict The Ordinary World;   The Call to Adventure; Refusing the Call; Meeting with the Mentor:  and Crossing the First Threshold. SECTION TWO - Action, Climax, Triumph Tests, Allies, and Enemies; Approach to the Inmost Cave; Ordeal;  and Reward. SECTION THREE - Resolution and Denouement The Road Back; Resurrection;and Return with the Elixir. Huck Finns Journey In small groups, trace the development of Huck Finn in the novel following the Heros Journey. Focus on where Huck Finn is at the beginning and especially threshold moments/scenes where he changes. Thug Notes Summary and Analysis

Sunday, November 24, 2019

USS Indiana BB-58 World War II Battleship

USS Indiana BB-58 World War II Battleship USS Indiana (BB-58) Overview Nation:  United StatesType:  BattleshipShipyard: Newport News ShipbuildingLaid Down: November 20, 1939Launched: November 21, 1941Commissioned: April 30, 1942Fate:  Sold for scrap, 1963 Specifications Displacement:  35,000  tonsLength: 680 ft.Beam:  107.8 ft.Draft: 29.3 ft.Propulsion:  30,000 hp, 4 x steam turbines, 4 x propellersSpeed:  27 knotsComplement: 1,793 men Armament Guns 9 Ãâ€" 16 in.  Mark 6 guns (3 x triple turrets)20 Ãâ€" 5 in dual-purpose guns Aircraft 2 x aircraft Design Construction In 1936, as design of the North Carolina-class moved towards completion, the US Navys General Board gathered to address the two battleships that were to be funded in Fiscal Year 1938.   Though the group preferred constructing two additional North Carolinas, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral William H. Standley favored pursuing a new design.   As a result, building of these vessels was delayed to FY1939 as naval architects began work in March 1937.   While the first two ships were formally ordered on April 4, 1938, a second pair of vessels was added two months later under the  Deficiency Authorization which passed due to rising global tensions.   Though the escalator clause of the Second London Naval Treaty had been invoked permitting the new design to mount 16 guns, Congress required that the vessels stay within the 35,000 ton limit set by the earlier Washington Naval Treaty. In planning for the new South Dakota-class, naval architects created a wide array of designs for consideration.   A central challenge proved to be finding ways to improve upon the North Carolina-class but remain within the tonnage limit.   The answer was the design of a shorter, by around 50 feet, battleship that utilized an inclined armor system.   This provided better underwater protection than earlier vessels.   As fleet commanders called for vessels capable of 27 knots, naval architects worked to find a way to achieve this despite the reduced hull length.   This was solved through the creative layout of machinery, boilers, and turbines.   For armament, the South Dakotas matched the North Carolinas in carrying nine Mark 6 16 guns in three triple turrets with a secondary battery of twenty dual-purpose 5 guns.   These guns were supplemented by an extensive and constantly evolving array of anti-aircraft weapons.   Assigned to Newport News Shipbuilding, the second ship of the class, USS Indiana (BB-58), was laid down on November 20, 1939.   Work on the battleship progressed and it entered the water on November 21, 1941, with Margaret Robbins, daughter of Indiana Governor Henry F. Schricker, serving as sponsor.   As building moved toward completion, the US entered World War II following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.   Commissioned on April 30, 1942, Indiana commenced service with Captain Aaron S. Merrill in command.   Journey to the Pacific Steaming north,  Indiana  conducted its shakedown operations in and around Casco Bay, ME before receiving orders to join Allied forces in the Pacific.   Transiting the Panama Canal, the battleship made for the South Pacific where it was attached Rear Admiral Willis A. Lees battleship force on November 28.   Screening the carriers USS  Enterprise  (CV-6) and USS Saratoga  (CV-3),  Indiana  supported Allied efforts in the Solomon Islands.   Engaged in this area until October 1943, the battleship then withdrew to Pearl Harbor to prepare for a campaign in the Gilbert Islands.   Leaving port on November 11,  Indiana  covered the American carriers during the invasion of Tarawa later that month.    In January 1944, the battleship bombarded Kwajalein in the days prior to the Allied landings.   On the night of February 1,  Indiana  collided with USS  Washington  (BB-56) while maneuvering to refuel destroyers.   The accident saw Washington  hit and scrape down the after portion of  Indianas starboard side.   In the aftermath of the incident,  Indianas commander, Captain James M. Steele, admitted to being out of position and was relieved of his post.   Returning to Majuro,  Indiana  made temporary repairs before proceeding to Pearl Harbor for additional work.   The battleship remained out of action until April while  Washington, whose bow was severely damaged,  did not rejoin the fleet until May.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Island Hopping Sailing with Vice Admiral Marc Mitschers Fast Carrier Task Force, Indiana screened the carriers during raids against Truk on April 29-30.   After bombarding Ponape on May 1, the battleship proceeded to the Marianas the following month to support the invasions of Saipan and Tinian.   Pounding targets on Saipan on June 13-14, Indiana aided in repelling air attacks two days later.   On June 19-20, it supported the carriers during the victory at the Battle of the Philippine Sea.   With the end of the campaign, Indiana moved on to attack targets in the Palau Islands in August and protected the carriers as they raided into the Philippines a month later.   Receiving orders for an overhaul, the battleship departed and entered Puget Sound Naval Shipyard on October 23.   The timing of this work led it to miss the pivotal Battle of Leyte Gulf. With the completion work in the yard, Indiana sailed and reached Pearl Harbor on December 12.   Following refresher training, the battleship rejoined combat operations and bombarded Iwo Jima on January 24 while en route to Ulithi.   Arriving there, it put to sea a short time later to assist in the invasion of Iwo Jima.   While operating around the island, Indiana and the carriers raided north to strike targets in Japan on February 17 and 25.   Replenishing at Ulithi in early March, the battleship then sailed as part of the force tasked with the invasion of Okinawa.   After supporting the landings on April 1, Indiana continued to conduct missions in the waters offshore into June.   The following month, it moved north with the carriers to mount a series of attacks, including shore bombardments, on the Japanese mainland.   It was engaged in these activities when hostilities ended on August 15. Final Actions Arriving in Tokyo Bay on September 5, three days after the Japanese formally surrendered aboard USS Missouri (BB-63), Indiana briefly served as a transfer point for liberated Allied prisoners of war.   Departing for the US on ten days later, the battleship touched at Pearl Harbor before proceeding on to San Francisco.   Arriving on September 29, Indiana underwent minor repairs before proceeding north to Puget Sound.   Placed in the Pacific Reserve Fleet in 1946, Indiana was formally decommissioned on September 11, 1947.   Remaining at Puget Sound, the battleship was sold for scrap on September 6, 1963.         Ã‚      Selected Sources DANFS: USS Indiana (BB-58)NHHC: USS IndianaMaritimeQuest: USS Indiana (BB-58)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Weak public transportation in Oklahoma county and its affect on health Term Paper - 1

Weak public transportation in Oklahoma county and its affect on health care(problem and solution) - Term Paper Example While the rest have no means of transportation of their own. Moreover, high blood pressure was reported to be about 47% while dental problem was next with about 40%, arthritis was about 36% and finally depression and tobacco which had about 30% and 32% respectively.Teen pregnancy was also another issue such that it ranged between 51% and 60% in a year, not forgetting drug abuse with about 60% among the youth who had also had serious health issues but could not access the public health facilities. According to a survey that was conducted in Oklahoma individuals also claimed that there were fewer health services in the community too. Over 60% individuals have no insurance due to the fact that hours available and transport was the barrier to getting those insurance services.It is alleged that among those who fail to get insurance services, they are poor as they have the lowest incomes. Most of the uninsured personnel’s are between the ages of 62% and 65.They get less income of ab out 18000 dollars. This makes it hard for the persons to access public health coverage or basically impossible.The Oklahoma anti-county Drug network also pointed out that underage drinking, tobacco use, bang and abuse of prescribed medication was among the top issues to the youths in the country (World Bank Washington, DC. 2001). The Oklahoma group of Youth and Risky behavior alleged that 23% of the children in high school smoke cigarette while about 835 reported to have access to alcoholic brew. About 96% of them frequently use alcohol and at the time of use the brew was kind of not harmful. Suicide also health case of concern it is among the top causes of death in Oklahoma. Young adults who die are between age’s 26-35.In Oklahoma, it is also alleged that men are the ones who account for higher percentage of death issues that women due to lack of better transport system. Most of those who